Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Question of the week.........

What makes you cry?
Do tell!
(Leave a comment)


  1. stubbing my toe, going to the freezer for ice cream and finding NONE, the spirit, the fact that the high is around 118 degrees, certain movies, feeling insignificant, allergies, looking at wedding pictures.. some of these are happy cries :)

  2. children singing, children crying, children saying mommy hundred times in pain and you can't do anything to help it, giving shots, watching someone struggle and not knowing when to jump in to help, trying to be strong when you know your weak.

  3. I cry when I'm happy, sad, frustrated, excited and scared. I especially cry when giving YW lessions because I can feel the spirit so strongly from the girls that it touches my heart so strongly! I also cry in the Temple, but it's a good cry.

  4. Have any of you seen me try to say anything in Relief Society! :) The power of the love that I feel from the Holy Ghost and the incredible sisters in our ward always overwhelms me and comes out as crying. A little backward!!!!! ;) I also cry when I see people experience really sad or even really exciting things like winning American Idol. I am so excited for them after all of their hard work I usually get a little teary eyed! :)

  5. tender mercies, a child's laughter, the majesty and beauty of this earth
